What Happens After BEAD Funds Are Awarded?

August 6 – 4:45 pm to 5:30 pm
Governor's Square 14


Earnie Holtrey

Ready.net: Director of State & Local Government Partnerships

While many are focused now on state competitive grant processes, awarding BEAD funds to sub-grantees is not the end of the road – it’s just the initial milestone in a longer journey. It’s time for state broadband offices to consider how they will monitor performance post-award and for potential awardees to understand the semi-annual reporting they will be required to do. This panel will discuss lessons learned from past funding programs, and how post-award oversight is critical to ensuring that BEAD accomplishes its mission to bring internet to all.



James Carsley

FarrPoint: Senior Consultant

Carol Mattey

Mattey Consulting LLC, Principal

Edyn Rolls

Oklahoma Broadband Office: Chief Strategic Officer

Matt Schmit

Illinois Broadband Lab: Executive Director