How to Face and Hopefully Overcome Challenges when Delivering Broadband Funding to Rural Communities

August 6 – 3:45 pm to 4:30 pm
Governor's Square 14


Samantha Schartman

Connect Humanity: Director of Philanthropic Programs

The Appalachia Digital Accelerator supports rural Appalachian communities by enhancing broadband connectivity and digital skills to drive economic, social, and health improvements. Managed by Connect Humanity, the Accelerator aids 24 grantees across 68 counties in Appalachia to foster local leadership, build capacity, and create robust digital connectivity plans. This session will spotlight the unique obstacles encountered in rural broadband planning and offer data and examples of how communities are effectively addressing these challenges head-on.


Shannon Millsaps

Thrive Regional Partnership: Chief Operating Officer

Tom Reid

Reid Consulting Group: President and Founder

Annie Stroud

Generation West Virginia: Broadband Program Director