When is Congress Going to End the Free Ride?

August 9 – 1:45 pm to 2:30 pm

Edge providers grab all the subscription revenue from our customers while pushing millions of dollars of network upgrade costs to us. When we enlarge our pipe’s capacity, Big Streamers use a technology that eats away at our investment and provides the consumer with a higher quality picture. It’s a Big Tech corporate welfare program that needs to end. This session will focus on all the work already done in Washington, DC to end the free ride and we will focus on what you can do to improve your bottom line. This session is for you if you want to recover your costs from the largest users of your network and realize a new stream of revenue that will help keep you in business for years to come.


Andy Ehrlich

Ehrlich & Associates LLC: Federal Lobbyist on Telecommunications, Agriculture and Tax

Jeff England

Silver Star Communications: Vice President and CFO

Mark Gailey

Totah Communications, Inc.: President and General Manager