State Broadband Leads Discuss BEAD (Part 3)

August 9 – 1:45 pm to 2:30 pm


Brian Hurley

ACA Connects: Chief Regulatory Counsel

Part 3: With the expected release of the state BEAD allocation amounts by NTIA on June 30, this is your first opportunity to hear directly from the States on all things BEAD. In particular, this panel of State Broadband Directors will talk in detail about the Release of their 5 Year Action Plans, state challenge processes, and development of the BEAD Initial Proposal. The panel will also discuss what providers and communities should know about the creation and revision of competitive grant applications, partnerships and matching funds. Finally, the panel will touch on BEAD requirements for cybersecurity, supply chain risk management and climate resilience. With BEAD application windows in some states expected to open in 4th quarter of this year, this is a not to miss session!


Tamarah Holmes, PhD

Virginia: Director, Office of Broadband

Bree Maki

Minnesota Office of Broadband Development: Executive Director

Ovidiu Viorica

Connect New Mexico: Broadband & Technology Manager