How Local Governments Promote Broadband Deployment and Protect Consumers

August 6 – 4:45 pm to 5:30 pm
Plaza Court 8


Ryan Johnston

Next Century Cities: Senior Policy Counsel for Federal Programs

With billions of dollars available for broadband from state and federal sources, municipalities are preparing themselves to apply for funding and address potential concerns that new broadband projects will bring to their communities. As a result, municipalities are not just determining how to apply for funding or partner with grant applicants, they are also figuring out how to make protecting and educating consumers a top priority.

This panel of City and State leaders will address consumer protections such as resilience and disaster planning, environmental and cultural preservation, Consumer Broadband Nutrition Labels, and local broadband autonomy.


Taylor Carter-Disanto

Baltimore: Deputy Director of Broadband and Digital Equity

Ellie de Villiers

Maple Broadband: General Manager

Joshua Edmonds

DigitalC: CEO

Alberto Garcia

Google Fiber: Government & Community Affairs Manager