Exploring the Fabric

August 8 – 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm


J. Randolph Luening

BroadbandToolkit.com: Founder

The BEAD “Fabric” v1 has 113,501,003 locations that are mapped to traditional census blocks and to a hexagonal grid system. The latter provides a dramatically improvised level of detail in rural areas. This session will show how this newly available data set informs broadband planning.

What decisions / analyses are now possible? What challenges does the volume of data pose? What capabilities do state broadband offices and ISPs need to have to visualize and analyze this sophisticated set of data? How should you use this Fabric data?

One needs an awareness of the Fabric and the associated data sets to plan grant-funded broadband deployments in 2023 and 2024.

This panel will explain the “compliance math” that is integral to BEAD funding.

Learn how data drives the requirements of a BEAD-compliant grant program. You’ll hear from a rural county broadband advocate / community anchor institution planner, an ISP focused on fine-tuning state regulations, and an analytics software provider.



Dianne Connery

Pottsboro (Texas) Library: Director

Casey Lide

Keller & Heckman, LLP: Partner

Paul Narro

Tekwav LLC: Director of Public Policy