End of Conference Association Round Table – What to Expect Over the Next 12 months with a Special Emphasis on BABA

August 9 – 3:45 pm to 4:30 pm
Plaza Ballroom


Jeff Gavlinski

Mountain Connect: Chairman

This roundtable discussion will include direct questions from the audience and will be dedicated recap of what to expect over the next 12 months covering the following 5 topics:

1. Funding: When can we realistically expect money to be available?
2. Supply Chain: Will this have any measurable impact to BEAD projects?
3. Build America Buy America: Will a waiver be enough to keep BEAD projects moving forward?
4. Broadband Map: Does the latest version of the Broadband Map adequately represent unserved and underserved areas?
5. Community Anchor Institutions: How do we ensure our CAIs are connected?


Angela Bennink

Kitsap Public Utility District: General Manager and AAPB Board Chair

Gary Bolton

Fiber Broadband Association: President & CEO

John Windhausen

SHLB Coalition: Founder and Executive Director

Melissa Newman

TIA: Senior Vice President of Government Affairs

Craig Schwechel

Ericsson: Principal Consultant