Beyond Gigabit Speeds: A Vendor’s Perspective

August 8 – 10:00 am to 10:45 am


David Eckard

Nokia: Vice President of the Broadband Partners

While much of the attention on broadband deployment centers around speed and bandwidth, this panel of Nokia experts will discuss ground-breaking innovations in technology that go beyond gigabit speeds. The panel will discuss the innovation that Nokia is bringing to the market through advance R&D initiatives with Bell Labs. In particular, speakers will focus on next generation developments in fiber access, business operations, network management technologies enabling open-access multi-tenant networks, and how to develop customized applications to deploy across the network.


Gino Dion

Nokia: Head of Innovation Solutions Team, Network Infrastructure

Andrew Bender

Nokia: CTO and Head of Strategy for the Network Infrastructure – Fixed Networks

Dr. Dora van Veen

Nokia Bell Labs: Distinguished Member of Technical Staff - Bell Labs Core Research