BEAD funding; Who’s Building?

August 8 – 2:00 pm to 2:45 pm


Danny Reed

Telecom Tech School: CEO

The Telecommunications Industry is in an economic boom like we have never seen before. Public and private funds are rolling in and millions of miles of fiber needs to be built. But who is going to build it? The pandemic decimated our already small workforce at a critical moment, and we need to do something to address it. Skilled labor is at a premium in all trade and professional industries. This means we have to compete for the best and brightest and advocate for our industry with the limited labor pools available. We will discuss what skills and training are necessary and how we recruit a new and diverse workforce to meet this unprecedented demand.


Salvador J. Acuna

Co Create LLC: Founder/CEO

Duke Horan

Bonfire Engineering and Construction: President

Davis Miller

Backbone Fiber Systems: Chief Operating Officer