Things to Consider when Building a Community Wireless Broadband Network
August 9 – 10:30 am to 11:15 am
The digital divide didn’t happen overnight, the pandemic just brought it into light. SmartWAVE has been building community wireless broadband networks since 2014. Throughout the years we have seen many ways on how these networks can be deployed and what is important to keep in mind. Here are a few of the communities we have worked with and what we saw.
- Council Bluffs, IA
- San Jose and Eastside Union High School District
- Hidalgo County
- Oakland, CA
Key Takeaways:
- The digital divide has always been a problem, the pandemic just brought it to light.
- The partnerships and relationships made are a large factor in a seamless and successful deployment.
- Assets such as streetlights, utility poles, towers, city buildings, and water towers are crucial to a successful deployment.
- Regardless of race, religion, or color everyone deserves access to the internet to enable them to participate in the community.