How Community Anchors Promote Broadband Deployment and Adoption

August 7 – 3:15 pm to 4:00 pm
Governor's Square 14

Community Anchor Institutions are the cornerstones of a successful broadband plan. Some state broadband plans recognize that deploying fiber to the anchor institutions first can make it easier and more cost-effective to build out broadband to surrounding communities, a strategy that is allowed under the BEAD NOFO. But schools and libraries can also leverage FCC E-rate funding to promote broadband deployment and adoption.  This session will also review recent FCC E-rate decisions that impact broadband connectivity: the Hotspot lending decision, cybersecurity and school bus Wifi. We will also discuss the court challenges to broadband policies in the wake of the recent Supreme Court decisions overturning Chevron deference and recent developments on Capitol Hill concerning USF reform.



Mark Colwell

Mission Telecom: Director of Broadband Operations

Kristen Corra

Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband Coalition: Policy Counsel

John Windhausen

SHLB Coalition: Founder and Executive Director