BEAD’s Final Showdown — Preparing for BEAD Implementation a State Broadband Director Perspective

August 6 – 8:30 am to 9:30 am
Plaza Ballroom


Scott D. Woods, Esq. President, Public-Private Partnerships

Hear from six state broadband office directors as they share state specific approaches on how they will implement their BEAD funding program.

Panelists that have had their state plans approved and those who are almost at the finish line will dialogue about best practices for providers, successful bead implementation and pitfalls to avoid.

Are you wondering how you can plug into states plans? Learn about their stakeholder outreach approach, how they foster transparency, how they ensure all committees are connected how they adhere to all state and federal guidelines. Hear from each panelist and how they will report their progress along the way.


Sally Doty

Mississippi: Director of the Office of Broadband Expansion and Accessibility of Mississippi (BEAM)

Veneeth Iyengar

ConnectLA: Executive Director

Jade Piros de Carvalho

Kansas: Former-Director of the Broadband Office

Brandy Reitter

Colorado Broadband Office: Executive Director

Chandler Vaughan

Virginia Office of Broadband: Associate Director

Peter Voderberg

Ohio: Chief of BroadbandOhio