Growing Pains: Are You Ready to Scale to Meet Market Needs

August 6 – 9:30 am to 10:15 am
Governor's Square 14


Ed Barrett

HR Green: President - Broadband Business Line

Thanks to numerous state and federal funding programs, ISPs have the opportunity to leverage billions of grant dollars for broadband to grow their service footprint.  ISPs will be confronted with multiple challenges scaling the business to support a larger client base which could include expansion into new markets at a pace unheard of in the industry. 

With those billions, ISPs will be constructing thousands of miles of fiber optic lines, driving the need to develop an effective strategy to scale the business.  The impacts of this rapid growth will touch every aspect of the operation, and getting it right will be key to ISP’s long-term success. 

This panel discussion will explore how several ISPs are creating strategic plans to prepare for the growth ahead in order to identify and solve barriers that make growth difficult.  Their approaches (whether they are in the early stages of planning or are beginning to implement their action plans) will provide attendees with practical examples that can be put in place today to help them successfully scale to win grants and confidently execute their deployment strategy. 

Attendees will learn how other ISP leaders are managing the challenges that come with growth initiatives: 

  • Creating a GAP Analysis – Understanding GAPs / SWOT Analysis results
  • The Role of Technology – Developing processes and upgrading technologies to support growth
  • To Build or Not to Build – Understanding the benefits of turnkey construction
  • Lessons Learned – Practical lessons from ISP leaders who have already begun their own journey to scale

These topics and more will be presented with practical examples of what the ISPs recommend to navigate through the issues successfully. 


Jeff Bankston

Underline Inc.: VP, Business Development

Ben Kley

StratusIQ: President and General Manager

Bret Westwood

Rise Broadband: Chief Technology Officer