Let’s Talk BEAD: A Conversation with State Broadband Directors

August 7 – 10:00 am to 10:45 am
Plaza Court 7


Teresa Ferguson

NRTC: Sr Director, Broadband and Infrastructure Funding

We’ve all been waiting for the roll out of the $42.5 billion in congressionally appropriated BEAD funding. NTIA required state broadband offices to submit their plans for a state map challenge and grant application processes and await approval before moving forward. What have the states learned from the map challenge process in their state and how has it informed their BEAD grant application policies? How has the map challenge process impacted the state’s ability to achieve NTIA’s directive to serve all unserved and underserved locations throughout their state. Join us to hear lessons learned and how states view the future of broadband availability in their states and if BEAD is the be all, end all to close the broadband gap in America.



Sally Doty

Mississippi: Director of the Office of Broadband Expansion and Accessibility of Mississippi (BEAM)

Bree Maki

Minnesota Office of Broadband Development: Executive Director

BJ Tanksley

Missouri: Director of the Office of Broadband Development

Chandler Vaughan

Virginia Office of Broadband: Associate Director